The Q Cupping Essentials course (QCE) builds and teaches the foundational principles required of quality and specialty coffee professionals. This course is specifically designed to be taken by a broad range of coffee practitioners who are interested in building their skills for evaluating coffee consistent with a globally recognized standard for Specialty Coffee. Further, QCE develops the methods used to calibrate cuppers worldwide in the recognition of and appropriate assessment of quality.
This Coffee Quality Institute certificate program is where someone should start to build the skills that we evaluate at the Q Grader Combo Training and Exam. People who attend an Academy of Coffee Excellence QCE receive tuition credit towards a Q Grader Course taught by the Academy of Coffee Excellence.
Coffee Quality Institute (CQI) is the globally recognized standard bearer for the accurate assessment of a coffee's quality.
Understand taste modality thresholds and relate these sensory experiences to the cupping form's concepts of intensity and balance.
Learn categories of aromas and understand how to use them to develop an ever-broadening aroma sensory memory.
Recognize the parameters of the Green Arabica Coffee Classification System and apply them in the assessment of the physical defects of green coffee.
Learn what the protocols for assessing quality coffee are and why they exist.
Develop a working knowledge of how to use the cupping form consistent with a global community of professional cuppers.
Learn CQI's proper and appropriate methodology for dealing with cupping defects when they are present on a cupping table.
Apply all of the above-developed skills to multiple flights of coffee cupping to calibrate your assessment to other coffee practitioners.
This course is officially credentialed by CQI and upon successful completion and passing of skill evaluation exercises, a certificate from the Coffee Quality Institute will be issued.