Green Coffee - IBCA & SCA Certification

Course Details
This course teaches the importance and interaction of all grinding and extraction methods, as well as brewing styles typically used in the coffee industry. You will acquire the skills necessary for the preparation of coffee with respect to all of these methods. With your improved skills and knowledge, you will be able to determine what factors are important for each brew style and quality. At the end of class, you will reproduce and evaluate each brew method studied. This course is also excellent preparation for the Green Coffee class.
All the courses comes with IBCA and SCA certification.
Foundation - 5 Credits Towards SCA Coffee Diploma
This course designed to introduce core brewing skills to people with no previous experience. A practical will require an brewing equipment and particular coffees but this can be followed on line by the trainer.
Duration 1 day
Hours 9:00 AM to 5 PM
Price AED 2205 (Inclusive of certification charges and VAT)
Kindly fill and send the registration form to find out the next available schedule.
Intermediate - 10 Credits Toward SCA Coffee Diploma
This course requires 1 day of practical courses and exercises. These will need to be conducted on site.
Duration 2 days
Hours 9:00 AM to 5 PM
Price AED 3518 (Inclusive of certification charges and VAT)
Kindly fill and send the registration form to find out the next available schedule.
Professional - 25 Credits Towards SCA Coffee Diploma
*Students must have passed IBCA or SCA Brewing Intermediate Course prior to registering for the Professional Course.
Duration 3 days
Hours 9:00 AM to 5 PM
Price AED 5460 (Inclusive of certification charges and VAT)
Kindly fill and send the registration form to find out the next available schedule.